Little did the students, Ms. Itkin, and Mr. Murphy (who was along as their chaperone) know that they were not performing for a public Holiday tour as expected, but instead for a private reception where President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama would be present! Would the students actually get to meet them?
The students performed a fabulous first set of songs, to the smiles, delight, and picture/video-taking by reception guests who were arriving. After the first set, the Watkins Mill group was hurried away to a small room in The White House, where they assembled for an official group photograph. Chairs and lighting were arranged perfectly, and it was
apparent that this was the same room where photographs with visiting Heads of State are taken with the President in front of the fireplace. A few minutes later, President and Mrs. Obama walked in room, shook every student’s hand, chatted warmly with the group, and joined the photograph. The photo with the Obama’s was taken and students began to leave the room as requested by White House aides. But as Ms. Itkin and singers were leaving the room, President Obama paused and requested a “sample” song from the choir. Ms. Itkin and the kids came back and broke into one of their favorite Holiday numbers, “Carol of the
Bells,” finishing with applause and congratulations from the Obama’s. A private show! The Obama’s thanked Ms. Itkin and the students, and wished Happy Holidays to our students and entire community. As the group exited the room, President Obama remarked to Mr. Murphy, “It is obvious that you have great kids and a great school,” while Mrs. Obama reminded the students to study hard and do their homework. The students went down the hall,
(erupted in hugs and cheers!), and then went on to perform a stellar second set of Holiday tunes, filling the halls of The White House with their wonderful sounds. The kids were amazing and once again made Watkins Mill shine. Only official White House photos were taken; coming soon!
What a thrill for the students of Watkins Mill!
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