The International Journal of Research in Choral Singing (IJRCS) is ACDA’s official scientific research publication. The second article in the 2018 Volume 6 is now live at acda.org/ijrcs. It contains the following article:
“Identification of the Adolescent Male Voice: Unchanged vs. Falsetto“
John Wayman, Department of Music, University of Texas at Arlington.
The article’s abstract is below.
The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of preservice music educators (N = 61) to classify recordings of male adolescent singers as either unchanged or falsetto voice on identical pitches. Prior to beginning the task, a survey was given to collect demographic information (sex, major concentration, academic classification, and vocal experience), as well as pre- and post-task questions asking participants to provide descriptors of the adolescent male falsetto and unchanged voices (Price, Yarborough, Jones, & Moore, 1994). Upon completion of the classification task, participants were asked to provide confidence ratings on their responses. Participants’ responses indicated more agreement on unchanged voice samples than falsetto. Preservice males were in greater agreement
in their responses than females. Preservice males that had participated in elementary/middle school music programs were in greater agreement with the panel of experts than those who had participated only in high school programs.
Find all current and past articles in IJRCS here.
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