This week on Going Beyond Words and ACDA ChoralNet Radio, Stan Schmidt invites you to investigate a comparison of motets based on Psalms 95 or 96 under the title “O Come, Let us Sing unto the Lord” (Cantate Domino). You can hear how twelve different composes created their interpretations of these Psalms of Praise………..The composers represented are Hans Leo Hassler, John Rutter Claudio Monteverdi, William Byrd, Orazio Vecchi, John Høybye, Tõnu Kaljuste, Hugo Distler, Jan Sweelinck, John Amner, James Macmillianm and Dietrich Buxtehude; The Choirs come from Germany, Norway, England, Latvia, Italy, Estonia, and The Netherlands…….. Share this listening lesson with your choral Students. Have them research all the CD’s shown in the Blog under show 1907. This program was produced in November 2012.
For a look at the CD’s used and a complete list of the music heard go to the blog of WWW.GOINGBEYONDWORDS.COM website and click on show 1907
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