ChoralNet is a special kind of community. We can come, join with other people who love vocal music, and not worry about the spam or trolling that can happen in other venues. That doesn’t happen by accident.
We are indebted to an incredible team of moderators who help to create this space by staying connected with this site, reviewing new posts and comments, and generally working very hard behind the scenes to keep ChoralNet interesting, educational, and relational. I would like to thank our current group of moderators: Frank Albinder, Marie Grass Amenta, Bridgid Coult, and Tom Tropp. They do an outstanding job and we are grateful for all they do.
ACDA is currently seeking additional moderators to join this team. New moderators will become part of this established group and take a shift or two a week approving posts and comments, monitoring discussions, and otherwise keeping ChoralNet the incredible place that it is. We have future plans for some changes that may make moderating less of a load over time. However, right now we need a few additional moderators who can step into the role in the next month and transition with us. This is volunteer work – one of service – that requires specific skills and a commitment to the ChoralNet community.
Might you be interested? Here is a little on what we are looking for in a candidate for ChoralNet moderator:
Required Qualifications for ChoralNet Moderators:
- High level of comfort working with social media and/or online communities
- Ability to commit to a regular block of time to stay connected with ChoralNet every week and respond promptly to approve posts and comments
Desired Qualifications for ChoralNet Moderators:
- Familiarity with ChoralNet
- Current ACDA membership
- Familiarity with WordPress
Interested? Please email Sundra Flansburg, ACDA’s Director of Membership & Communications () indicating your interest, any questions you might have, and the skills that you could offer in this role.
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