The American Choral Directors has changed the way it will do its work as we move forward. By an approval rate of 97%, the membership of ACDA has determined we will do our work of “inspiring excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition, and advocacy” through seven new or restructured Standing Committees. These Standing Committees replace the former Constitutionally established Standing Committees, and signal a new grassroots approach to accomplishing our mission and the purposes of the Association.
These new Standing Committees are the following:
International Activities–This Standing Committee oversees international programs (e.g., ICEP, National Youth Choir, communication with ACDA International Chapters to be developed in the future, and present and future international collaborations), and develops international programs and collaborations that advance ACDA’s mission.
Research and Publications–This Standing Committee oversees all research and publication activities (e.g. Choral Journal, ChorTeach, IJRCS, Monographs, Herford Award, Publications Awards), and develops research projects and publications that advance ACDA’s mission.
Composition Initiatives–This Standing Committee oversees activities dealing with ACDA choral composition commissions and awards (e.g. Brock Commissions, Honor Choir Commissions, Consortium Commissions), and develops choral composition criteria, educational programs, and projects that advance ACDA’s mission.
Advocacy and Collaboration–This Standing Committee oversees programs and activities related to collaborations with other organizations, and programs and activities related to choral music advocacy.
Education and Communication–This Standing Committee oversees ACDA’s professional and social networking site to advance the educational programs and offerings of the association (e.g. ChoralNet and, and oversees and develops programs that assist in the education of the membership and the communication of these resources (e.g. ACDA Mentoring Program, Musica Database).
Diversity Initiatives–This Standing Committee oversees programs and activities that serve a greater population of choral singers and conductors than those served through the other Standing Committees (e.g. Outreach and collaborative projects directed toward under-served populations, programs developed for under-served urban and rural settings, programs directed toward inclusion offerings, programs that speak to the diversity found in society in general).
Repertoire and Resources (This Chair is a Nationally elected position)–This Standing Committee provides support, vision and resources for every major area of choral work. Committee members (National R&R Chairs) play an important role in serving their respective choral genres and promote excellence in literature and performance standards.
As we move forward, we now seek leaders for these Standing Committees. This is a call for leadership, and a call for innovation. If you are interested in being considered for one of the above committee chairs, the following application process has been established. All Standing Committee Chairs will be appointed in the coming months, and Standing Committee Chairs will assist in the staffing of each committee (with the exception of the Repertoire and Resources Committee, which will follow a different staffing process during this transitional period.)
National Standing Committee Chair Application
1. Letter of application including a vision statement and resume submitted to Mary Hopper, ACDA President (by March 15)
2. Review of applicants by the Executive Committee (March 15-April 1)
3. Appointments made (April 1)
4. Chairs will attend the National Leadership Conference June 3-4, 2016
National Chairs of Standing Committees are appointed for a four-year term by the ACDA Executive Committee. A National Committee Chair may be reappointed once, for a maximum of eight years. The National President or National Standing Committee Chair may recommend removal of a National Standing Committee member from office to the Executive Committee for action.
Criteria For National Standing Committee Chair And Committee Members
The National Standing Committee Chair should have extensive experience and expertise in the focus area along with a vision for advancing the goals of the focus area. The applicant should have successful leadership and strong communication skills. The applicant must be willing to work to fulfill the mission of ACDA in a positive and professional manner.
Each National Standing Committee shall consist of three to five members, including the Chair. Each National Standing Committee will liaison with the ACDA Executive Director, a National Staff Member, and a member of the ACDA Executive Committee, who will serve in an ex-officio capacity.
Committee members shall be recommended to the Executive Committee and Executive Director by the National Chair to serve as project managers in each focus area. These individuals should have experience and expertise in the Standing Committee focus area and must be willing to work to fulfill the mission of ACDA in a positive and professional manner. Standing Committee member recommendations shall be approved and appointed by majority vote of the Executive Committee. Standing Committee Chairs may appoint sub-committees to execute more complex projects. Committee members serve four-year appointed terms that may be reappointed once for a total of eight years or until the project is completed.
I hope many of our members will consider joining the leadership team as we renew our efforts of inspiring choral excellence and innovation through this new approach to our work.
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