I’m not sure when it was that my perspective shifted from concern mainly about my own career to realizing the hopes I have for, and the responsibilities I hold toward, the next generation. But it happened, and I know that shift happens within most of us. We begin wondering what are we are setting up for those who come after us, and how we are contributing to the future of an art we so passionately love.
Indeed, it was our own members who came to ACDA’s national office wanting to develop initiatives that would create new children’s choirs and support young people in choral singing and conducting. Members wanted their professional association to invest in the future of choral singing and choirs in an even bigger way that it had previously. ACDA’s new Fund for Tomorrow is a response to those calls.
The Fund for Tomorrow is our first organized initiative to raise the money that will allow us to expand and deepen our work with children and students. One hundred percent of donations made to this fund will support our work in mentoring, scholarships for Honor Choirs and student registrations at conferences, expanding student chapters, starting new children’s choirs, and attracting young people who wouldn’t otherwise experience choral music to choirs.
We would like to particularly thank Hilary Apfelstadt, William Hatcher, Tom Merrill, and Tim Sharp for their lead gifts to this new fund. Would you consider joining them and making a contribution? If you do so by June 30, 2014, you will be among the founding donors. We gratefully accept donations by check or online.
To learn more, including how we’ll thank and recognize your support, visit acda.org/fund4tomorrow, or contact me in the national office to receive a brochure and additional information about how you can help.
Sundra Flansburg says
Sundra Flansburg says
Becky Luce says