If you don’t know this piece, you need to – by today’s birthday composer Toivo Kuula:
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Jaakko Mäntyjärvisays
Late in chiming in, but I could not agree more. Toivo Kuula (1883-1918) needs to be more widely known. His choral writing was more ambitious than anything his contemporaries in northern Europe were doing. And one need not be intimidated by the fact that most of his pieces are in Finnish — it is a language easy to pronounce and to sing in. This choir is Swedish, and they do a pretty good job of it. The piece is called “Auringon noustessa”, usually translated as “Sunrise”, though literally it means “As the sun rises”.
But today–July 7–is Mahler’s birthday. As in “Gustav Mahler of the Symphony of a Thousand” (with all sorts of choral groups in that Symphony of a Thousand), ‘member?
Just mentioning him because it was his birthday first–I think it’s his 152nd birthday.
Jaakko Mäntyjärvi says
philip copeland says
Marie Grass Amenta says