The 2011-12 academic year is in the history books, or it soon will be. If we’ve done our jobs right, we are completely spent. We left it on the field, or in our case on the stage. We. Are. Exhausted.
It’s time to take a break; to free our minds, hearts and souls. I need about two weeks to decompress. How about you?
But then it always happens. I’ll get a little rest, allowing the pressures and problems of the year to slough off my back. Then I hear that little voice in the back of my head: “That’s enough. Now what?” I’ll fight that voice for a few days, but I always lose. “Now what?”
It’s a good question . . . “Now what?” What can we do over the summer month to improve. How can we develop the choir’s sound next season? How can we be more patient? Where can we find a better edition of a particular work? How can we be better musicians? What can we do to improve the quality of the total educational experience for our young charges?
Yes, yes, yes, we NEED the break to rejuvenate, to get the creative juices flowing again. We need to play a little golf, enjoy time by the lake, put the top down and get some sun. But if we wait until August to start pondering how we can continue to advance our craft, it’ll be too late.
So . . . Now What?
Bruce Rockwell says
Austen Wilson says
Garrett Lathe says
Bill Nordan says