Yes, and a whole lot more.
We at ChoralNet like to celebrate whenever big time news outlets feature music prominently. This from NPR:
Math teachers know that fractions can be hard for the average third-grader. Teachers at a public school in San Bruno, Calif., just south of San Francisco, are trying something new.They’re teaching difficult math concepts through music, and they’re getting remarkable results. At Allen Elementary School, a roomful of third-graders sits facing music instructor Endre Balogh, their backs straight, eyes ahead, beating a mouse pad with drumsticks.As Balogh taps a rhythm, the students follow. “What kinds of notes did you play?” Balogh asks. “Jasmine, what do you think?” Jasmine gets it right. “Eighth notes, very good.” These students are learning fractions.
Edward Palmer says
Ronald Richard Duquette says