I had the opportunity to present a technology session at the Southern ACDA Conference at a roundtable.
Afterwards, Pat Boozer talked to me about her creations for choral music educators: StaffWriter and SingASign.
Read about them here:
StaffWriter is a basic music font for making tests, activity pages, games, music dictionaries, PPT slide shows, overhead transparencies.
SingASign is a font that plops the Curwen-Glover hand signs right on the page in word-processing, desktop publishing apps, PPT, etc. Her main line up of diatonic goes across the keyboard in 2 tetrachords under the "home keys" positions. Chromatics included. Very user-friendly. Also includes Kodaly "stick" rhythms or "stick notation".
She will give ChoralNet members a 20% discount off one of the fonts or 10% off the bundle – how nice is that?
If you are interested, send her an email stating which one you want (one font or two) and then she will then send you a revised invoice for PayPal.
Thanks, Pat!
Jeffrey Caulk says