We need a new Choral Literature textbook, one that features recordings, audio, video, and interactivity.
Apple's new iBook author program might be the way we get there – here is a bit about it from MacRumors:
Apple released an easy to use tool called iBooks Author which allows anyone (publishers and users) to create interactive iBooks with text, video, images and more. As Apple mentioned during their media event, the availability of such a robust tool to make electronic books has been lacking. iBook Author can export projects in a number of different formats, including iBook format, PDF and text.
And here is a video that provides the dream behind the technology:
Get with it, scholars! I want a new book!
Steven Edwards says
David Piper says
Steven Edwards says
James Janzen says
gretchen harrison says
Steven Edwards says
John Howell says
Shannon Richards says
Steven Edwards says
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