"He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient" (Constitution of the United States, Article II, Section 3).
Today, Tim Sharp does the very same thing for ACDA in "The State of ACDA." Our Executive Director tells us what has happened over the past few years in ACDA, explains how and why the Association is growing, examines the challenges before us and identifies what is being done to meet those challenges. He’s being open, he’s being honest, he’s being transparent.
It’s a gutsy move. Let’s face it: if there’s a problem anywhere in any organization, the leader gets the blame. Church parking lot full of potholes? Blame the pastor. Barking dog in the neighborhood? Blame the mayor. Didn’t like a piece of music in a concert? Blame the conductor. Does that last one feel familiar?
What positive lessons can we take from Tim’s strong and affirming statement that can be applied to our own work as conductors and educators? Ponder that today. Oh, and do read the entire content of The State of ACDA; you’ll be delighted with the health of our organization.
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