Paul Carey pointed me to his latest blog post about a colleague’s recent concert that focused on peace.
Read a little here and then travel to Paul’s blog for more.
My good friend Paul LaPrade, a humble genius, presented a program on September 10th (note, not September 11th) entilted “A Concert for Peace” in Rockford Illinois at the historic Coronado Theater. Paul’s intention was to avoid the painful date of the 11th and focus on peace and how we all must strive to achieve it.Paul worked in cooperation with the Rockford Interfaith Council in this large undertaking, as it involved speakers from seven faiths plus eight choirs (thus the creative title Yet despite the size of the undertaking it all played out in a relaxed, wonderfully creative and introspective way.—The speakers, representing the Native American tradition, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Baha‘i, for the most part stayed away from referencing 9/11 imagery and pain. Of course we all knew it was a subtext- yet their message for September 10th was of peace and what insight each religion, in its best hours not its worst, could share with us in our quest for peace.
Melanie DeMore says
Adrienne Albert says