This article in the Sioux City Journal finds important distinctions between the TV show “Glee” and show choir.
The whole article is here – but here are the first five points:
1. Show choirs don’t get to learn new songs every week, just to express their feelings. They rehearse and rehearse and rehearse for weeks just to learn one routine. And sometimes, the kids on the crew know it better than the performers do.
2. Hair is big. Really big. And the girls don’t wear bump-its (sorry, Snooki). Two girls showed me how they rat it to a frenzy, spray it to death and make it wider than Diana Ross’ ever was. (Impressive!)3. Boys care about their looks. Before they get on stage, they ask each other to check their clothes and their hair. Then, they get on stage and act like they don’t care how they look.4. Some actually hang up their clothes. Even though those crew kids do the heavy lifting, they get help from the performers, who make sure everything gets tucked away.5. Show choir can be emotional. Saturday night I saw several kids crying while they were performing. As one told me, “this is our last performance ever and I’m going to miss it so much. My best friends are in show choir.”
Ronald Richard Duquette says