Blogger L-Dwag finds church refreshing. Unless…
Tell me you know what I’m talking about. That person who happens to be standing directly behind you, and does not realize there is a volume control on their voice. Not only do they not recognize the volume confusion, but at times it appears they are singing a completely different song.
Refreshing no more. DIstracted. Angry. But her self-righteous annoyance is interrupted by an epiphany:
I was hit with cruel reality that I AM the loud-church singer, and based on my mom’s childhood comments I might even be the loud out-of-tune church singer. You see, one of my hobbies is belting out songs at the top of my lungs within the confines of my vehicle, sans other persons. Of course there are times that I forget while in church that I am not in my car, and that I do have an audience all around me.
Notwithstanding the reassurances from her neighbors, she has this advice:
If you happen to be sitting next to a loud church singer, especially one that is out of tune, do not tell them they have a good voice. That only feeds the volume monster inside and could lead to the demise of many. You have been forewarned.
P.S. For those of you who are "recovering" from being overloud singers, there's an app for that: the iMass HD allows you to observe a Catholic mass on your iPad, so you can safely sing along in the privacy of your own home. Of course, this would assume a Catholic parishioner singing…
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