Choral Journal, ACDA’s professional monthly publication, is accepting applications for editors of the Choral Reviews standing column, and the Sound Recordings standing column. Applications should be emailed to Choral Journal editor, Dr. Carroll Gonzo, at, on or before April 15, 2010. Selected candidates will begin their duties June 1, 2010 (see below for materials to include in the electronic application submission).
The National Repertoire & Standards Committee is accepting applications for the positions of Male Choirs chair, Women’s Choirs Chair, and Show Choirs chair, and Youth and Student Activities chair. Interested applicants should email a resume and short vision statement for the position to Nancy Cox, National Repertoire & Standards Chair, at, on or before April 1, 2010 (see for additional information).
Applications for the Choral Journal Editorial Board positions should be submitted electronically to Dr. Carroll Gonzo. Get more details here.
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