BBC America will premiere BAFTA-award-winning series “The Choir ,” a nonscripted show reminiscent of Fox hit “Glee,” in the spring. The series made choirmaster Gareth Malone an unlikely star in the U.K. in depicting his efforts to build choirs in blue-collar settings.The 13 episodes that BBC America will show are a compilation of short multi-seg bursts and specials that have aired across the Pond since the show launched on BBC Two in 2006. “When I was at school, there was nothing like ‘Glee’ on the TV,” Malone said today at the Television Critics Assn. gathering in Pasadena. “Choir was desperately unpopular. But I think there’s been a shift in the past 10 years, There’s ‘Last Choir Standing’; there’s our show. It just seems like everyone’s singing in Britain now.”
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