Go here to hear Clare Shore’s Tropical Blessing for SAB and handbells (c. 50 seconds): http://www.clareshore.com/LRoom.htm The words are by the composer: Praise God, the Father, our Creator!/Bless all of us, He is our maker!/ Bless paw and hoof, burrow and roost;/Bless equine, bovine, canine, feline, Osprey, egret, woodpecker, Little Blue;/Bless Spot and Puff and Grandma, […]
Search Results for: e. c. schirmer
Noah’s Ark for speaking chorus and solo oboe
For anyone interested in works for speaking chorus, sound files are now available for my Noah’s Ark for speaking chorus and solo oboe:http://www.clareshore.com/LRoom.htm Note that the publisher, E.C. Schirmer, offers the oboe part on CD. – Clare Shore
New work (moderately easy) for SATB and Whistler (or melody instr.)
Go here to listen to Clare Shore’s Show Me the Way, Lord for mixed chorus and solo whistler (or melody instrument): http://www.clareshore.com/LRoom.htm (Featured in FALL 2009 NEW ISSUES, E.C. Schirmer Music)