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Travel as a concert theme
Any suggestions of pieces about travel? They could, eg, be about journeys or modes of transport. They could also be about destinations: any good pieces about, say, Paris, or New York, or anywhere. I’m putting together a programme for a June concert for my chamber choir
portable pa system questions
Looking to purchase a portable pa system for a group of 20 women. ANY help regarding what systems work would be great. Also anything on how you can add monitor, or put speakers BEHIND singers (Fender claims you can do that for “monitor” without feedback). And any help with mics that would work for 20 women […]
Large Works for Men’s Chorus
Outside of Brahm’s Alto Rhapsodie, what are other large works for men’s chorus? I am sure this has been asked before – but I am asking again. I appreciate any suggestions.
Original words to Mozart “Sing a Song of Merry Christmas”
I know that years ago I heard a recording of this tune by a group of Milford Fargo’s in Rochester. It was sung in German and I have no idea of the origin of the tune or those words. I want to use it coming up soon, but in German or words not seasonal!
Arrangements of Copyrighted Material
I may know the answer but, I just took over a men’s chorus where a previous director made arrangements of some popular music for men. May I assume that performance of these pieces for a paying audience is illegal? I can safely say that those arrangements account for 20% of the library. I will not […]
Warm Reception for New Work – Important Note
In my message above regarding This Moroccan Sea I neglected to say that the free file download site I use features false ‘download here’ links. Please scroll down to the very bottom of the page where it says: ->Download Link: This Big Moroccan Sea Thank you! And if anyone knows of a better […]
Part Time VS Full Time
I have been teaching 10 years…mostly HS choir with a short stint in MS. In addition to my BS in Music Ed. I have an MA in Education. I am now wanting to add a MM in Choral Conducting. Here’s how I came to this desire. I got back into HS 2 years ago and things are going great. It […]
Warm Reception for New Work
The audiences at the recent world premiere performances of This Big Moroccan Sea in the San Francisco Bay Area were moved by fine singing and the poignant text at the heart of this work. It also received a very favourable critical response: “….In constant movement, with ceaseless, practically subliminal activity, the voices all around the soloist […]
Treble patriotic rep
I am responsible for a mixed-voice church choir’s service presentation of about 30-35 minutes on Sunday, July 4. Patriotic rep of a sacred nature is the order of the day. Right now I have tentatively planned the outer movements of the Thompson Testament of Freedom (SATB version), Billings, Be Glad Then, America, Persichetti, Song of Peace (men), and John Ness […]
Back to School
Dear Choralnet colleagues: I have been quite undecisive regarding my next step in choral education. Three brief highlights in my musical career are 10 years experience conducting student choirs. Five of those years have been in middle school. Having already a Masters in Music Education and a Masters in Music Theory and Composition, it […]