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Need salary suggestion for 20/wk church position
I have been working as the parish accompanist for several years, earning $70/2hour+ per service. These have been on Wed. nights, Saturday and Sunday services with rehearsal prior. At same church was a Music Director who worked 20/hrs per week for $17-20,000. per year. The church is now combining my position and that of […]
Choral Setting of Song by Christina Rossetti (SATB)
I have done a choral setting of the poem “Song,” by Christina Rossetti. It is for SATB voices, a cappella. If you like it or wish to perform it, please feel free to contact me: Brandon J. Spencer (313) 461-8421 Thanks, Brandon J. Spencer file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner.SPENCER/My%20Documents/Song.pdf
volunteer choir members who take voice lessons
I am a volunteer choir member who takes voice lessons and sings an occaisonal solo in church. Is the cost of my lessons tax deductible as a voluntary contribution to the church?
Re: scandinavian choirs
A relative in Norway just sent me the breakdown, saying that it would probably be representative for all of Scandinavia (use Google Translate if necessary): Talet på kor Kormedlemmer I alt1 Blandakor Damekor Mannskor 1997 1 015 33 000 .. .. .. 1999 994 33 500 .. .. .. 2001 1 037 31 962 24 526 2 220 5 216 […]
Release Forms (recording)
Hello, Everyone. I was wondering if you all had any guidance or references for release forms. I need two types in particular for an upcoming recording project: 1. General Release form for regular members of the group. (photos, video, recording) 2. Specific Release Form for professional musicians that applies only to this one particular […]
Can Hashimoto’s disease affect one’s vocal technique?
Hello everyone, I have Hashimoto’s disease. This is an auto-immune disease where the body attacks its own thyroid. I therefore have too many thyroid antibodies (I’m down to 243 from 465, but they should be less than 35). It is possible that the thyroid gland can swell and get bigger with Hashimoto’s, but I […]
Wisconsin choir sings only to benefit homeless
“This group is first about people, and we use music as a vehicle,” said Zahn. “We go out and help people.” “Not to say that we don’t want to put on the best performances possible, but this is about raising funds to help others, and we happen to have fun doing it.” The […]
Choir Academy of Harlem slated for closing again
Two weeks after a judge said the city’s Department of Education could not close 19 schools as planned, one of the schools is back on the city’s agenda to be shuttered. The new plan to close the school — which is actually not a school per se, but the high school grades of the Choir Academy of Harlem — is […]
Media for Felciano: Pentecost Sunday?
I want to do this piece (on Pentecost, obviously), originally available with electronic tape. My supplier informed me that it was now a CD. But when the music arrived without the CD I was told that the CD was no longer available. Before i send the music back, since it is worthless without the electronic […]
scandinavian choirs
Does anyone know the percentage of people who sing in choirs in any of the following countries? I’ve seen the figures, but cannot remember where. Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia.