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Up-beat songs about peace, SA
We are looking for ideas for some up-tempo selections to add to our holiday season concert about Peace. Any suggestions? Jane Hamilton Southern Arizona Women’s Chorus
Songs for Baccalaureate Services
Hi all, I’m in a developing program with about 20 students and am looking for some baccalaureate ideas. I’ve done the following songs in past years: Friends (Michael W. Smith) arr. Emerson On Eagle’s Wings (Joncas) Some other pieces I’ve looked at are This Day arr. Shaw and You’ll Never Walk Alone. Does […]
Suggestions for Mass Settings for Treble Voices
Our ensemble has been asked to perform as part of a Tridentine Solemn High Mass. Does anyone have suggestions for a mass setting from the 14th-16th centuries for treble voices? Thanks, Dana Taylor
Looking for a really great SATB setting of Nettleton (Come Thou Fount)
I am looking for a really great SATB setting of Nettleton (Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing) A cappella or accompanied, either way. Any suggestions? Ray Klemchuk First Congregational Church of Western Springs (IL)
Music for a Theme – Messages
I am looking for music suitable to a them – Messages. I am looking for music related to any form of communication – letters, messages, missives or music that has a message. Any ideas are welcome. Kenneth D. Williams Director of Choral Activities Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Songs aout our American Christian Heritage
We are preparing our choir music for July 4th and would like to include not just blatantly Patriotic music but anthems that tell about or refer to our Christian heritage as a country. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for your help.
Down to the River to Pray history?
Hi, I can’t seem to find anything about the history of the tune Down to the River to Pray. Anyone have any insight/resources for me? -Katherine Bank
Literature about Horses
Does anyone have suggestions of music related to horses? I am planning a concert that will be close to the date of the World Equestrian Games (Lexington, KY Sep/Oct/2010). Thanks for your help. Adam Beeken Lexington Catholic HS
“American Music”
We are putting together a concert of “American Music”: songs that exemplify an American Style, genre or composer. Some of the genres we are looking at are: Jazz, Barbershop, Musicals/Broadway, Shape Note, Spirituals, Cowboy Songs (Luboff), modern composers (Whitacre, Beitinis, Lauridsen), Midwest choral tradition (Luboff, F. M. Christiansen, etc), Americana (Herb Shenandoah, Oh, […]
Looking for an Introit for St. Francis’ Day (Blessing of the Animals)?
Go here to hear Clare Shore’s Tropical Blessing for SAB Chorus and Handbells: The words are by the composer: Praise God, the Father, our Creator!/Bless all of us, He is our maker!/?Bless paw and hoof, burrow and roost;/Bless equine, bovine, canine, feline, Osprey, egret, woodpecker, ?Little Blue;/Bless Spot and Puff and Grandma, too. //Praise […]