Latest Community Posts
SA/SSA Native American or ancient secular world music?
I’m interested in finding SA/SSA Native American or ancient secular world music that I could teach to a group without handing out music. I’ve looked through threads and researched many suggestions from previous Native American questions/posts, but most of them just wouldn’t be feasible due to a combination of level/ability/length required for those beautiful pieces! […]
looking for quality Easter SATB choral music for use during service
I am looking for suggestions of quality Easter SATB choral music to use during a high-church Episcopal Easter Day service. We have performend portions of Handel’s Messiah, and various settings of “Alleluia” (Randall Thompson, J.S. Bach), so I’m looking for new ideas. We will be able to use organ, piano, string quartet, and oboe, clarinet, […]
Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms 2 piano or 4 hand arr.
Does anyone know where I can locate this arrangement? I’m rather desperately searching. Many thanks, Dr. Eric Delson Musical Director Brussels Choral Society
Developing a Choral Curriculum
Hi guys, I don’t know if there are others out there – but I’ve been just teaching pieces and warm-ups. I’d like to create a sequential curriculum that would prepare students from 5th grade through 12th. In theory – I’d like to prepare kids to sing in 6-8 parts in high school. I […]
Finnish translations for women’s choir rep by Kahara
Hi Choral Colleagues, I am considering use of two Finnish pieces for women’s choir by Anna-Mari Kahara late next season but would like to know the meaning of the text before I go to the expense (and long wait) of ordering them. All I know right now is the translation of the titles. Does […]
… several discussions about the work “Aglepta”…
…this evening, completely by accident, I discovered that there have been many posts about Mellnas’ work, Aglepta, and that the phrase, Aglaria Pidhol garia Ananus Qepta, was being discussed. I am not completey sure about this, but i have heard that, in Italy this expression is said to be an…”incanto”, an ancient European magical […]
Christmas Pops Repertoire
Dear Listers, I’m looking for orchestrated choral repertoire for both SSA and SATB voicing for an upcoming holiday “pops” concert. I’d love to hear your great ideas! Cheers, Brian Clissold, Artistic Director Fort Wayne Children’s Choir
Messiah’s Hallelujah Chorus for Women only?
Does anyone know of a treble arrangement for the Hallelujah Chorus? 2-4 part writing is fine.
Madrigal Dinner Group Forming
Performing artists needed for newly formed Madrigal Dinner Group. Performances three times a year – Christmas, Valentine’s Day, May Day. Collaborating artists are sought to help develop the product and be involved in the performance. Contact
Veteran’s Day
Hi all, I’m just trying to plan ahead here for next year and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for Veteran’s Day songs that have worked well for MS and HS choir. For 9-12 I’ve done the following for the past 2 years: This Land is Your Land arr. Ades (Guys get […]