“The Marriage of Figaro” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was premiered at the Burgtheater in Vienna on this day in 1786, with the composer conducting. May 1, 2019 by Scott Davis
U. S. conductor Robert Shaw was born on this day in 1916 in Red Bluff, California. April 30, 2019 by Scott Davis
The opera “Pelléas et Mélisande” by Claude Debussy was premiered on this day in 1902 in Paris. April 30, 2019 by Scott Davis
The oratorio “The Creation,” by Joseph Haydn, was premiered to a private audience on this day in 1798. April 29, 2019 by Scott Davis
The opera “L’Africaine” by Giacomo Meyerbeer was premiered by the Paris Opéra on this day in 1865. April 28, 2019 by Scott Davis