Gilbert and Sullivan’s “H.M.S Pinafore” was premiered in London on this day in 1878. May 25, 2019 by Scott Davis
Andrzej Panufnik’s “Universal Prayer” was premiered at St. John the Divine Cathedral in in New York City on this day in 1970. May 24, 2019 by Scott Davis
Bela Bartok’s opera “Bluebeard’s Castle,” was first staged in Budapest on this day in 1918. May 24, 2019 by Scott Davis
The opera “Don Giovanni” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had its American premiere at New York ‘s Park Theater on this day in 1826. May 23, 2019 by Scott Davis
Ludwig van Beethoven’s only opera, “Fidelio,” was staged successfully in Vienna’s Kärntnertortheater on this day in 1814. May 23, 2019 by Scott Davis
Claude Debussy’s musical mystery play “Le Martyre de saint Sébastien” was first performed in Paris (the chorus conducted by Désiré-Émile Inghelbrecht) on this day in 1911. May 22, 2019 by Scott Davis