Benjamin Britten’s “A Ceremony of Carols” was premiered at Aldeburgh, England, on this day in 1942. June 14, 2019 by Scott Davis
Benjamin Britten’s church parable Curlew River is performed for the firt time at Aldrburgh, England on June13th in 1964 (Manson). June 13, 2019 by Scott Davis
Francis Poulenc’s Stabat Mater is given its first performance at the Strasbourg Festival ,france on june13th in 1951 (Manson). June 13, 2019 by Scott Davis
I Vespri Siciliani opera by Verdu is staged in Paris in its premiere at the Opera on June 13th in 1855 (Manson). June 13, 2019 by Scott Davis
The Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity was founded at the University of Michigan School of Music in Ann Arbor on this day in 1903. June 12, 2019 by Scott Davis
The original version of Arthur Honegger’s oratorio “Le Roi David” was first performed in Mézières on this day in 1921. June 11, 2019 by Scott Davis