Richard Wagner’s “The Valkyrie” was premiered in Munich on this day in 1870 – arranged by King Ludwig II – though Wagner would have preferred to wait until the cycle was completed. June 26, 2019 by Scott Davis
With no prior conducting experience, Arturo Toscanini made his conducting debut in Rio de Janeiro performing Verdi’s opera “Aida” from memory on this day in 1886. June 25, 2019 by Scott Davis
German choral conductor and composer Hugo Distler was born in Nuremberg on this day in 1908. June 24, 2019 by Scott Davis
James Levine, U. S. conductor, was born in Cincinnati on this day in 1943. June 23, 2019 by Scott Davis
English tenor Peter Pears was born on this day in 1910 in the English town of Farnham, Surrey. June 22, 2019 by Scott Davis