“La Clemenza di Tito,” composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for the coronation of Leopold II as King of Bohemia, was premiered on this day in 1791. September 6, 2019 by Scott Davis
American composer Ellis Kohs’s choral work “Automatic Pistol” was premiered in Washington on this day in 1943. September 5, 2019 by Scott Davis
Amy Beach, composer of the first symphony (“Gaelic” Symphony) by an American woman, was born in Henniker, New Hampshire, on this day in 1867. September 5, 2019 by Scott Davis
Franz Liszt conducted the premiere of his “Faust Symphony” in Weimar, Germany, on this day in 1857. September 5, 2019 by Scott Davis
Giacomo Meyerbeer, German opera composer, was born on this day in 1791. September 5, 2019 by Scott Davis
Johann Christian Bach, German composer, eventually known as “the London Bach,” was born on this day in 1735. September 5, 2019 by Scott Davis