The opera-ballet “Anacréon, ou L’amour fugitif,” by Luigi Cherubini, was premiered at the Paris Opéra on this day in 1803. October 4, 2019 by Scott Davis
The New York City Opera, originally dubbed “The People’s Opera,” was inaugurated on this day in 1943. October 3, 2019 by Scott Davis
American composer Stephen Reich was born this day in New York City in 1936. October 3, 2019 by Scott Davis
French composer Hector Berlioz married Irish Shakespearean actress Harriet Smithson on this day in 1833. October 3, 2019 by Scott Davis
“The Dream of Gerontius,” by Edward Elgar, was premiered on this day in 1900, unfortunately with a disastrously poor performance. October 3, 2019 by Scott Davis
Norman Dello Joio, a Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, conducted the premiere of his “Evocations” on this day in 1970 in Tampa, Florida. October 2, 2019 by Scott Davis