The April 2 & 3, 2016, production by The Longfellow Chorus of Edward E. Rice’s musical comedy, “Evangeline, or The Belle of Acadia,” with new orchestrations of the 1877 piano vocal score and a newly revised 1896 libretto, can be viewed here (2 hours, 13 minutes) scene by scene and song by song on YouTube. […]
New Recordings
UNT performance of Stravinsky Les Noces online
The UNT A Cappella Choir’s performance of Stravinsky’s Les Noces from this past April is now on YouTube. It opens with a lecture/demonstration (helpful if you don’t know the piece well), but you there’s also a link so you can skip directly to the performance. You can also use Closed Captioning (CC) to show text […]
A Christmas Reminder Just When We Need It!
Leg Lamp Productions has a mighty busy production schedule to keep this summer, and if you are the type of person who likes to hear Christmas songs at this time of year, you are in luck! Due to our company’s scheduling requirements, the first video we are proud to release is a blast from the […]
Dan Locklair’s New Gloria CD Now Available from Convivium Records
Dan Locklair’s Gloria CD now available from Convivium Records for pre-order and sampling – This disk brings together pieces composed with texts that come from across the liturgical year. The works represent the style of Dan Locklair’s vocal music and show his skill and imagination in settings for a cappella choir, pieces for voices […]
City of Angels Master Chorale Presents: Suo-Gan – A Welsh Lullaby
There is really nothing as cute as a new born baby or anything as touching as the pride and love of a new mother or father as they hold their new little one. That same sense of wonderment translates across all cultures and all generations. Those same emotions are also expressed in a wonderful rendition […]
Listen and watch: impressive performance by new vocal ensemble
Impressive performance by new vocal ensemble singing extracts from “Scotland at Night”.