Enjoy Marie-Claire Saindon’s “Terre-Neuve”; a wonderful love-letter to the powerful geology and ancient mysteries found on the east coast of Canada. Enjoy! https://cypresschoral.com/composers/marie-claire-saindon/terre-neuve/
New Publications
Avshalomov – Gemeinsam (Together), a new piece for these fraught times
Dear colleagues, for months I have been holding back from sending out bulletins about my latest choral pieces, out of sensitivity to the current pressures on conductors and educators everywhere and recent deeply distressing events. But today I decided I have waited long enough, so I share this new piece with you, in hopes that […]
The Spaces in Between Us – Jan Garrett, JD Martin and Lisa Aschmann, arr. Larry Nickel
This group of award winning songwriters have written a very poignant and meaningful song more relevant today than ever before. Enjoy!
It is coming!!! “KORAIS” Choir invites you to participate in the 11th World Choir Festival on Musical which will take place in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, from 7th to 9th May 2021. This coming Festival will accept choirs of all categories and repertoires, it will be Competitive and Non Competitive, it will have a […]
Cypress Choral Music Publishing in 2020
Cypress Choral Music Publishing was anticipating a banner year at the beginning of 2020. Armed with a beautiful new website and over 60 new publications from Canada’s best and brightest composers, we were ready for anything…….well, almost anything 😉 Over the past few months we have focused on how to make the Cypress experience easier […]
The music of Robert Ingari – Cypress Choral Music Publishing
Cypress is proud to feature the music of Canadian composer Robert Ingari. This decorated composer’s French language selections have rapidly become some of the most popular pieces in our catalogue. Enjoy!