I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. This has been such a difficult time for composers, conductors and performers – I have, however, become quite adept at spackling and painting my windows and walls. lol I’ve also noticed that there has been a dearth of SA works for Middle through High School have taken […]
New Publications
A Dylan Thomas Christmas – Jon Washburn, Cypress Choral Music Publishing
Choirs looking for the perfect half to their Christmas program will find this option very attractive! The music is lovely and eminently singable for any choir. Jon has arranged eleven familiar Christmas carols to accompany the reading of the Dylan Thomas classic “A Child’s Christmas in Wales”. Enjoy! https://cypresschoral.com/composers/jon-washburn/a-dylan-thomas-christmas/
Christian Virtual Hymnal 10K Containing Over 10,000 Hymns Released
MusicEase Software is pleased to announce the release of the Christian Virtual Hymnal 10K providing transposable sheet music for over 10,000 hymns, Handel’s Messiah and Mozart’s Requiem. Hymns can be transposed to any key, scaled to different sizes and automatically reformatted, verses can be deleted/re-ordered/fully edited, and any combination of parts can be extracted. The […]
Three pieces of mine newly available through Personage Press
I’m excited to announce that Personage Press has published three recent compositions of mine for a cappella SATB choir. All of them will well reward the effort your choir puts in with unexpected sonorities, rhythmic interest, and dramatic text-painting. The pieces are: As kingfishers catch fire: a Brittenesque, polyrhythmic setting of the Gerard Manley Hopkins […]
“From Where We Stand” , a patriotic song available for Choral or Solo Performances
“From Where We Stand” is a stirring, patriotic anthem that is especially needed at this time. It is the finale song from the upcoming musical “American Twistory” with Larry King as the executive producer. It is available at no charge for performances in the hopes that it will inspire and unite all Americans. A link […]
DIRIGO – The new Magazine of the National Association of Italian Choral Directors
You can read for free DIRIGO, the new Magazine of the National Association of Italian Choral Directors, at our website https://www.dirigo.cloud/en/