This is a new work for Christmas. This melody is set for SATB, Piano, Flute, and Strings. It is a beautiful setting that you may want to include in your Christmas concert. Thank you for your time, David Nino
New Publications
CRYSTAL RIVER (Welsh Tune CALON LÂN) ~ SATB Anthem by Myers and Sorenson
Lyrics by Julie I. Myers, arranged by Heather Sorenson 2013 J.W. Pepper Editors’ Choice: “Just beautiful! The Celtic lilt feels honest and assuring in this setting of the traditional Welsh melody. The lyrics wash listeners with compelling imagery of God’s cleansing waters of grace. Evokes tender and peaceful images of the Redeemer’s healing and […]
Soft, O Soft for Children’s Chorus with Piano
Soft, O Soft by William Copper, Christmas Carol to be sung in just intonation with independent piano part. Hartenshield Music #0325 for Soprano, Mezzo-soprano or Alto, Cambiata or Alto or Tenor and Piano Duration 3 minutes with short piano introduction. Lyrics, perusal score, children’s score, recording, and individual voice part rehearsal recordings […]
You Will Run Again – Thomas Keesecker
A 4.5 minute piece for SATB voices with some div dedicated to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. The text: No more hurting people. You will run again. Peace. The text for this piece is from the poster made by Martin Richard (2004-2013) as a classroom lesson in response to acts of violence. His teacher […]
New Arrangement of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
Dustin Oldenburg’s SATB w/ 8 part divisi a cappella arrangement of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” is now available at! Below is a multi-track sample recording of the piece, performed by former Chanticleer Tenor and creator/owner of ChoralTracks, Matt Curtis. You can hear this full recording at Visit to order this […]
New Magnificat Setting for Choir and Orchestra
Dear Friends, Please consider programming my “Magnificat” for your holiday program this year. It is appropriate for advanced HS, community, church, collegiate, and professional choirs. It is approximately 20 minutes long with 7 short movements. You can hear and see highlights from the Magnificat here. If you are interested, please e-mail me at […]