This heartbreakingly beautiful little tune was “written” by a 4 year old Russian boy named Maya. Larry added his trademark harmonies and some new music to match the mood and endearing message. This piece would make a poignant closer to any concert. Click here to see the score while you listen to a quality recording: […]
New Publications
New music for Choral Evensong
Follow the link below. You will also be able to listen to a full recording taken from an evensong service.
Sacred and Secular compositions
Sacred and Secular compositions written and arranged by Scott Fields Davis. Titles include Ave Verum Corpus, For God so loved the World, Hear me when I call, O Lord, Let me take your hand, Prelude in awe, Tears, Idle Tears, The Return of Spring, and more. Free scores (PDF)s will provided to choirs in exchange […]
New work: Travelling Song – SATB a cappella
Travelling Song is a lively, thought-provoking song with some musical twists and turns. You can view the score and listen as it plays. For unaccompanied SATB voices. There are times we walk all alone Gathering diamonds, sifting through stones Life is the art Of learning to tell them apart
Antonio Salieri – New edition for SATB Choir
I am proud to announce the publication of my newest edition, GLORIA ET HONOR by Antonio Salieri (yes, “that” Salieri, from the movie/play AMADEUS, who was Hofkapellmeister of the Imperial Court in Vienna at the same time Mozart was living and composing there). This new edition, for SATB chorus and keyboard, with optional chamber orchestra, […]
Keep Positive now at JW Pepper
“Keep Positive” a great all-purpose SA or unison song is now available from JW Pepper along with all other Cypress Choral Music titles.