More Russian…you know the drill.
Good Frank! I was probably distracted trying to get out of the door with the Special Turkey Stuffing. Thought I tried the usual and I just couldn’t make it bend to my will. Happy you were able to get it done. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I was able to move the new publication to the right category with no trouble. Strange.
Brigid went off duty–I mistyped!
Two things this Thanksgiving morning: I can’t edit “O Gracious Light, Phos Hilaron” from Forums (repertoire etc.) to Announcements (new publications). Brigid contacted me last night before she went on duty because she couldn’t either. Thought I’d trymyself but I can’t seem to. Second….there is some sort of Russian/Greek post and I don’t know if […]
Scott, deleting spam from user patrickfuller173