June 15, 2023 10:44 PM CDT
When I got on duty this morning, about 9:15 Am CDT. there were SIX PAGES OF POSTS. I didn’t have time to take care of them all at once, but plowed through a few before I had to attend an arts alliance breakfast meeting. I then completed dealing with them when I got back home to a better computer for dealing with them. Most of the posts were spam of some sort but perhaps 3/4 were legitimate ChoralNet postings, though I do believe I might have deleted one legit post because so many were spam and I got on a roll, so OOOPPPS! My question is this–who is one duty on Wednesdays AND why did so much spam get through? It just seems like an outrageous amount and not usual and wanted to give those who need to know a heads up. Thanks!
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