Alexander Pope’s famous “mock-heroic” poem from 1714 set in a hyper-madrigal style with capricious harmonies and rhythms, in a World Premiere June 6 -9 at ROULETTE, Brooklyn. Tickets are on sale – use the code POPE-10 for $10 off each ticket! Or …… JOIN US FOR A “SURPRISE CHORUS”, to sing the last finale, “A […]
Piano Accompanist needed for the Rockridge Chorale Chorus without Borders
Looking for an accompanist for a community choir in Oakland California. Classical and pop repertoire. Concerts scheduled in the San Francisco Bay Area on August 13 and 14th 2016 with the Northumberland UK Rubato Singers. Another concert at Carnegie Hall in January 2017. A rehearsal only accompanist needed for this event as an orchestra will […]
Hammer Dulcimer player needed in 6/4 in Oregon
Hello all! I’m looking for a hammer dulcimer player for a piece on the University of Oregon spring choir concert on Saturday, June 5th at 7:30 p.m. We’re looking for someone who can come play one piece with the women’s choir, Sail Away by Malcolm Dalglish. I can email a pdf of the part to […]
Soprano Substitute Needed Sunday, May 29–$70 call
One soprano substitute is needed to sing the following repertoire for the feast of Corpus Christi on Sunday, May 29: -Anglican Chant: Davies in A Minor -Descants -John Ireland: Greater Love Hath No Man -W.A. Mozart: Ave Verum Corpus -Faure: Tantum Ergo. An additional call fee will be paid for attendance of a rehearsal on […]
Accompanists Needed for rehearsals
Accompanist needed for occasional Monday rehearsals. Day-Mondays Time-7-9 Pay- $60 (per rehearsal) Must know how to give starting notes, play continuo for early music, be a good support. Please email:
Pitt Glee Club Seeks Concert Venue
The University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club is seeking a concert venue in Hartford or Danbury, CT for their spring tour, March 2017. We are looking specifically for Wednesday evening, March 8th. We are en route from NYC to Boston and are looking for a midway point to break up the travel. We are open […]