The Palm Coast United Methodist Church will be preparing for Advent and a lessons and carols concert. We are in need of 15 extra copies of both pieces. Thank you for your support. Please contact me at .
Wanted: Transcriber for vocal ensemble
We are looking for someone to transcribe recordings for us in a variety of languages. Finished product is a PDF. We supply you with recordings, translations, phonetics, etc. We pay $40/hr. If interested, please send experience and 2 sample charts including one in a language you don’t speak to . Thank you!
Choral Copies of The Servant King
Request to Borrow/Rent “Heal the World” (Beck, SATB)
Heal the World is out of print and out of stock: This is a for a combined choirs piece — a community choir and an elementary choir — imagine how beautiful that will be! Please help!
Choristers Wanted!
SATB Volunteer Singers Wanted for Messiah 2.0 Concert, December 2017! What: Messiah 2.0 is an arrangement of Handel Messiah by Mark Edwards. The arrangement incorporated modern instruments such as snare drum, electric guitar and bass guitar, creating extra layers of colors and provide more nuances to the music and to the text. This arrangement intensifies […]
ATB self-recording singers wanted
Yygygygygim looking for alto,tenor or bass singers who are able to sisight read and record a piece with their own good quality recording equipment.