We have about 80 Balleto dresses in sizes ranging from a Youth 7 to Adult 24 in good condition. We purchased from Southeastern Performance Apparel (however they no longer carry this style). The dresses are short-sleeved; have a white bodice with white lace overlay; and a knit floor-length black skirt. Hems have not been cut […]
For Sale - -- USED
Britten Te Deum in C Choral Scores
35 copies, gently used once. SATB please write ccm@ccmsings.org
More titles added to used-choral-music clearance sale
I have just added another box of titles to our clearance “rack.” To access a complete list of current clearance items, visit http://used-choral-music.com/collections/used-choral-music/clearance. New clearance titles: America Again (Wilson) 2-part Clap Yo’ Hands (Gershwin/King) SSA Consider Yourself (Bart/Leyden) SSA Goin’ to Boston (Davis) SSA Good Old Vaudeville Show, A (Huff/Jacobson) 2-part Happy Wanderer, The (Moller/Ehret/Lamont) […]
Choir robes are yours “for a song” (& postage)
Our church has 34 adult choir robes – red in color {most with stoles} and made by “Collegiate Cap & Gown” – available to you for perhaps a small donation to the church, and your willingness to pay postage. Also, we have 48 children and youth robes {red}.(Not CC & G) Adult robe sizes from […]
Anthems For Sale
I’m looking to sell the following anthems as a set for $200. If interested please contact me at zcoglesby@gmail.com As the Deer – arr. John F. Wilson 18 copies A Christmas Dream – Berta and Sonja Poorman 24 copies Christmas is Here – Dale Wood 19 copies The Closer I Get to Heaven – Stan […]
New titles added to used-choral-music.com clearance
Several new titles have just been added to the used-choral-music.com clearance list. Clearance titles sell for ten cents per copy. All other titles on our site are generally priced at 40% of current retail, or 50 cents for out-of-print titles. To see all titles currently on the clearance list, click here: http://used-choral-music.com/collections/used-choral-music/clearance New titles added […]