Consider joining a happy, innovative, 20-voice chamber choir that excels in eclectic programming and exciting and refined performances of (mostly) a cappella repertoire. The San Francisco Choral Artists are the ensemble of choice for many audiences, composers, and singers, performing diverse and beautiful concerts that feature newly commissioned American works, contemporary compositions, and the best […]
Cathedral Schola Cantorum
The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond, VA, seeks a professional soprano (S2), alto (A2), tenor (T1), and bass (B2) for permanent positions, as well as substitute positions for all voice parts, in addition to cantor opportunities. This opportunity may be combined with an Assistant for Worship position in the cathedral office. (Please inquire […]
Tenor Section Leader
St. John’s Episcopal Church in Glen Mills, PA, is looking for a tenor section leader for the adult choir. Responsibilities include singing 2 anthems a month and 1 short solo a month, and the time commitment is 10:30-1:00 on Sundays (11:00 service, rehearsal directly after). St. John’s is a small, welcoming community that actively appreciates […]
Bass section leader
St. George’s Episcopal Church in Ardmore, PA, is seeking auditions for a bass section leader. Good sight-reading skills and occasional solo work; welcoming church community that values all musical styles, especially classical. Frequent a capella singing. $100/week. Thursday rehearsals 7:30-9:00pm; Sunday service 9:00am-call/10:00am; occasional extra services/concerts for extra pay. Please reply to Lou Carol Fix, […]
Looking for Pro Bass/Baritone for Episcopal Church in Ardsley, NY
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Ardsley, New York, is looking for a pro Bass/Baritone for a small choir in very friendly Episcopal church, starting September 8, 2019. One Sunday rehearsal and service at 8:45 and 10:00 AM, respectively, plus additional services at Christmas and Holy Week/Easter. We seek someone who has strong sight reading and vocal […]
Dallas Forth Worth Area Professional Section Leaders – All Voices!
Paid Choir Section Leaders – Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass The successful candidate should demonstrate proficiency in reading music, both in various clefs as well as the full score. Candidates should have knowledge of styles of various eras in choral music, such as chant, polyphony and large SATB choral works of all eras, including spirituals. […]