Join in Joyous Song!
The Sounds of Stow Chorus & Orchestra welcomes all area singers to our open rehearsals, August 26, September 2 and 9; First Parish Church in Stow Center (353 Great Road), from 7 to 9 pm. Come as early as 6:30 to meet and greet your fellow singers.
Our 46th season begins with “Baroque Brilliance: 1685 — It was a Very Good Year!” at 2:00, November 24, at Maynard High School. We open with Giovanni Gabrieli’s stunning “Jubilate Duo” for double chorus and brass, and then feature three great Baroque composers all born in 1685 — Scarlatti (two beautiful motets); Handel (delightful and sensuous selections from Solomon); Bach’s profound Gerechte kommt um and the familiar “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.” All are accompanied by full orchestra.
In addition to preparing for our November concert, we will again be rehearsing to sing in “Christmas Magic” with the Vista Philharmonic Orchestra at the spectacular, world-class performance venue, Groton Hill Music Center on December 7 & 8. What a wonderful way to welcome the holiday season, and to experience the Gabrieli and other popular favorites from the stage of this extraordinary hall!
We are a friendly and welcoming group whose singers hail from 20+ towns in the Metrowest area and beyond. Membership is open to anyone who can match pitch, learn the music, and blend with the other voices. Artistic Director Barbara Jones and Assistant Director Christina Kennedy promote serious musicianship at weekly rehearsals that are lively, challenging, educational, and always fun!
For further information, please visit or email
353 Great RoadStow, Massachusetts 01775
United States
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