Tenor Section Leader
St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in San Francisco is opening a search for a singer to be a member of the Schola Cantorum, singing tenor. This is a well-known liturgical choir in the Bay Area that sings year round. The choir consists of 36 members, 10 of whom are professional singers, and an organ scholar.
The repertoire is 65% Renaissance and recently included The Strathclyde Motets of James MacMillan and commissioned works David Conte, Robert Chastain, Joseph Stillwell and William Hawley. Concerts, recordings and occasional tours are important to the group.
The Masses included in this employment are:
Sunday, 11:30 am Choral Mass (rehearsal 10:30 am)
Plus a weekly choir rehearsal on Thursday, 7:00 – 9:30 pm
Plus Holy days (Advent Lessons & Carols, Christmas Masses, Ash Wednesday Mass, four Holy Week services, All Souls’ Requiem and other Solemnities).
In addition, there are a few choral weddings and funerals each year.
Excellent vocal control, sight-singing ability and freedom to commit to this calendar are essential.
Singers are free-lance workers, paid ‘per call’. No benefits are included.
Auditions will be held by arrangement with individual singers.
Employment start date would be April 7, 2018 (ideally)
Contact Simon Berry, Director of Music & Liturgy at 415-674-0430, Simon@stdominics.org. Please attach your resumé.
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