Duo Mignarda, an award-winning professional ensemble located in the Cleveland area seeks a high baritone-tenor, initially for a date in May 2020 but with future possibilities. We require a reliable and committed professional who understands nuance and is comfortable singing renaissance polyphony alone on his part. Please contact us at and let’s talk.
All Singers Wanted: Beethoven Missa Solemnis & Spirituals
No auditions necessary; all voice types welcome. Join the Schiller Institute NYC Choruses for a wonderful year of Beethoven and African-American Spirituals. We will be singing Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis at several 9-11 concerts, with concerts and musikabends between now and then. Branch choruses meet weekly in Manhattan, Flushing, Brooklyn, and Northern NJ (Bogota). For a […]
Join the Naperville Men’s Glee Club
The Naperville Men’s Glee Club encourages singing men to join us for our next two open rehearsals on Saturday, January 25 and February 1, 9:30-11:00am. We rehearse at The Church of the Brethren, 1020 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, Illinois. All tenor and bass voices are welcome as we start to prepare our Spring Showcase Concert […]
SAB Evening Canticles now available as a PDF download
If you are looking for a set of SAB Mag and Nunc Evening Canticles (commissioned by and written for a choir the UK Midlands) then take a look at this very popular arrangement by Tim Knight (www.timknightmusic.com) which have become a worldwide best seller. In our opinion, because (a) they are appealing both to performer […]
NEW n’ FUN Uplifting SSA & SAB!!!
Hey Choral Community!! 🙂 Please enjoy listening to and perusing these two new originals of mine! One was composed for a children’s choir commission in Hong Kong!!! They are super positive, fun, refreshing, and very accessible! If you would like E-copies, just email me at . Blessings! Andrew Miller ____________ Be Brave: MP3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8g87yznf2bn9qt9/Be%20Brave%20-%20Andrew%20Miller.mp3?dl=0 PDF: […]
Baritone Cantor Position Available!
Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dallas is conveniently located west of University Park just northeast of the Dallas North Tollway and Lovers Lane. We are seeking a baritone to be a part of our choral community! Additionally, we are also seeking all voice types to fill in and/or add to our ranks when needed with an […]