Looking for a youth choir for a new musical, “Knowing God.” This choir is the “show within the show” of the musical, singing virtually every musical number. Think “White Christmas” – how that movie showed the cast rehearsing for the show and it was the actual show. May end up touring. Message of the show: […]
Lord, our Lord
Most Gracious God
Free choral sheet music
I have 8 file boxes full of single copies of choral sheet music. The files are organized in alphabetical order by composer. I have collected this music over my 30 years as a choir director. Most of the music is religious in nature as the bulk of my choir directing has been in churches. There […]
Alternative ways to enjoy music together other than online rehearsals
Online rehearsals have had varying degrees of success but have been successful in bringing people together and maintaining a connection when it is currently very much needed … however, other things we are finding that musicians and singing groups are really interested in doing that brings them together as a group and keeps their interest […]