BREAKING NEWS: We will be holding auditions for a new lady to join Echo! Please send us a video of you singing a verse and chorus of a pop song of your choice, preferably one that shows off your higher belt range (no show tunes, please). Also, tell us a little about yourself! (i.e. occupation, […]
Chorus pro Musica: Openings for Tenors and Basses
Chorus pro Musica, an SATB chorus of ~90 singers led by music director Jamie Kirsch, has openings for tenors and basses. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM, at Old South Church, Copley Square in Boston, with occasional Tuesday rehearsal (Monday holiday) and additional rehearsals during concert weeks. The repertoire is choral […]
Manchester Choral Society Open Sing! – Monday, January 25th
Come sing Durufle’s Requiem with us! We will be presenting thsi work and the premiere of Jonathan Santore’s “Requiem Poem” as part of our Masterworks Series III. You may contact Betty Dunn ( 603-893-8501, email ) to set up an audition or simply come to our first rehearsal on January 25th, which is open. Monday, January […]
Cascade Foothills Chorale wants to borrow four titles
Item: Sing to the Lord of Harvest (satb-Willan); Precious Lord (satb-Ringwald); Easter Song (satb-Herring); Wearing of the Green (satb-Luboff) Composer/Arranger/Edition: Willan/Ringwald/Herring/Luboff Starting: January 2016 For: return June 2016 Copies: 40 Willing to rent: Yes Non-profit, non-audition chorale in Enumclaw, Washington looking to borrow or rent 40 copies of four listed titles. Concert dates May […]
Martini – Domine, ad adjuvandum me festina
Item: Instrumental parts Composer/Arranger/Edition: Martini, Concordia Publishing House Starting: February For: Two months Copies: Full set Willing to rent: Yes Hi all! A colleague and I are preparing a program of Baroque and Galant music as part of our master’s studies and I’m wondering if anyone would be willing to lend us the full score […]
Help! Conga is out of print!
Item: Conga! (Vocal and, hopefully, instrumental parts) Composer/Arranger/Edition: Chinn Starting: Now For: 3 months Copies: 14 octavos plus instr parts Willing to rent: Yes Looking for vocal and instrumental parts for Miami Sound Machine’s Conga! (Teena Chinn arr) — or any other good arrangement.