Star of the Sea Catholic Church in San Francisco is looking for a cantor for Saturday 4:30 pm, and Sunday 9:30 am and 1:30 pm Masses. It may be possible to divide Saturday and Sunday responsibilities between two qualified candidates. This position requires all of the following skills: -ability to read diatonic melodies at sight […]
Request to Borrow: “When I’m 64” arr. Billingsley SATB
For short-term choirs of older adults. Will pay round-trip shipping, of course. Please call or text at 630-441-5157 with any questions. Thanks.
Performance Demo Recording: “O Me, O My, O Nehemiah”
Seeking a performance demo recording of the children’s musical by Jay Rouse, “O Me, O My, O Nehemiah” (published by PraiseGathering Music Group) – Seeking a CD or .mp3 recording if available – Apparently no longer available from publisher. I’m happy to purchase this!
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation : a chorale concertato for choir, congregation, flute, trumpet, and organ
Music Library for Sale
The former Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington, DC is selling their library of approximately 200 pieces, with selections from pop, classical, contemporary, etc., at $0.35 per copy. Most of the selections are SATB, though there are some SSAA and TTBB. If you are interested, you may e-mail for the master list (includes title, composer, […]
Sunset Boulevard Medley – Instrumental Pak
Looking for the instrumental park for Ed Lojeski’s Sunset Boulevard Medley (Hal Leonard Publishing). The cassette would also be helpful (for rehearsal purposes) but not necessary. We already own the octavos and would like to perform this with a full pit accompaniment in May 2016. ~Todd Moses