Auditions for The Oratorio Society of Virginia will be held Sunday, January 15, 2017, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and Monday, January 16, 2017 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, at the Municipal Arts Center, 1119 5th St SW, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Interested singers in all voice parts are encouraged to audition. Accepted chorus […]
With Drooping Wings, Final chorus from Dido and Aeneas
Auditions for Melodia Women’s Choir of NYC
Melodia Women’s Choir of NYC is an acclaimed ensemble of 26+ singers who explore, create and perform classical and contemporary works composed for women’s voices. Melodia is a professionally managed, grant-funded organization. Concerts are presented in November and April/May each season. We perform with instrumental ensembles and commission new works by women composers. We are […]
Auditions for Valley Concert Chorale Jan. 9 & 16
Auditions for Valley Concert Chorale Jan. 9 & 16 Livermore, Calif. – The Valley Concert Chorale, the Tri-Valley’s premier chorus, is now scheduling appointments for auditions for singers who would like to be a part of the Chorale’s 53rd season. Auditions will be held on the following dates: • Mondays, January 9 and 16 Auditions […]
Try out the growing choir in Grand Center!
Located in the heart of Grand Center Arts District, Third Baptist Church is a veritable ‘cathedral’ for Baptists, with a seating capacity close to 1200, a majestic, newly restored Kilgen pipe organ, and a grand piano. If you’d like to join TBC’s energetic and enthusiastic choir, no matter what your religious background, you are invited […]
Auditions for Classical Sacred Choir Program
Nativity of our Lord Catholic Church invites interested singers to audition for its classical music program. We cover music ranging from chant to contemporary works, and sing major sacred music works with a professional orchestra several times a year. Larger works this spring include Masses by Mozart, Faure, Haydn, and Dvorak, as well as a […]