Midwest Chamber Ensemble seeks to borrow 50 copies of Randall Thompson’s Frostiana–the complete vocal score– for this year’s ChoralFest (August 6-13, 2017) at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Prairie Village, KS.
Cordus Mundi – Male A Cappella
Bucks County, PA-based male a cappella group Cordus Mundi is looking for a few good men to augment our ranks. We’re auditioning for all parts (TTBB) for the upcoming 2017-2018 season. We sing 4 major concerts with additional performances throughout the season; rehearsals are Monday evenings in Solebury, PA. Check us out at www.cordusmundi.com. Please […]
Singers wanted – early music ensemble
The Gregorian Singers is seeking singers, all voices, for its 2017-18 season. We specialize in early music and occasionally perform new music. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lake of the Isles, Minneapolis. Please contact Music Director Monte Mason to schedule an audition. Phone 612-823-1688, email . Web site: www.thegregoriansingers.org
Summer auditions for Chicago South Suburban Chamber Choir
The Midwest Motet Society, Intimate Settings, Inspired Singing Announce Auditions for their Fall 2017 concert cycle First audition session beginning June 19, 2017 and continuing through July 7 and Second audition session beginning July 12 and continuing through August 22, 2017 “Rome and Beyond: Paired with Palestrina” The Fall Concert will be, Sunday, November 5, […]
Sing in the chorus for Bizet’s Carmen
Announcing auditions for chorus roles in Bizet’s Carmen, June 29 and July 3 in San Francisco by appointment only. Opera experience helpful but not required. Performances early September. For more information or to schedule an audition, view our audition notice at http://mailchi.mp/ac4aab38f154/opera-chorus-auditions-carmen-1338373 For other questions, email .
tenor Midtown manhattan
must be able to sing straight tone and be a strong sight reader. Pay is $115 more information 978-968-5122