Bass/Baritone needed for April 18th Maundy Thursday 7:30 PM evening service and 10 AM April 21st Easter Sunday service. (Rehearsal for each will be right before the service). St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Ardsley, NY (19 miles north of the city, on Metro North). Friendly church and very small choir. $100 for each day. Contact Minister […]
Come Let Us Tune Our Loftiest Song
Christ is Risen
I do not have any of the original Harold Flammer Choral Series copies of this anthem by Virgil T. Ford. However I do have 26 copies (5 1/2″ X 8 1/2) of the original manuscript that I can send to you for free if you agree to pay the mailing postage. The YouTube video link […]
Choral Coaching Services
Award-Winning Composer Bill Heigen is now offering choral coaching services for singers and choirs in the Tri-state area. Private voice lessons made to address all of your choral needs such as blending, tuning, vibrato control, ear training, repertoire, sight-singing. Please, visit and get to know his services.
The Princeton Festival: Nixon in China Chorus Auditions
The Princeton Festival seeks mezzo-sopranos and tenors to fill paid positions in its 2019 Nixon in China opera chorus. If you are interested in an audition appointment in Princeton on March 2, please contact Associate Conductor Gregory Geehern at . These are paid positions and accepted singers must be available from May 20 through June […]
Bass Section Leader
Second Presbyterian Church is searching for a Bass Section Leader for its Adult Choir. The choir rehearses Wednesday evenings from 7:15-9:15 pm, and sings for the 11:00 am Sunday service each week from September through May. For further information, or to schedule an audition, please contact: Andrew Peters, Organist/ Minister of Music Second Presbyterian Church […]