Lycoming Baroque Choir and Orchestra is a semi-professional, community outreach contingent of the Lycoming College Music Department, based in Williamsport, PA. We are typically comprised of singers and players from the Central Pennsylvania area, but have designed a condensed rehearsal and performance cycle per concert to allow participation from singers who are interested in this music, and who can transport themselves to the area, but might live further away. Typically we hold four rehearsals over a Thursday-Saturday, and have concerts on Sunday afternoons. We meet twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring.
Singers have no dues, or music fees. We distribute music two months prior to our first meeting, along with pronunciation guides and part-learning tracks if needed. We ask commitment to each individual cycle 10 weeks prior to first rehearsal, but we maintain an open roster of singers who can choose to commit, or not, to each individual cycle depending on their availability.
THIS OCTOBER/NOVEMBER our ensemble has been asked to perform at the Pennsylvania ACDA convention. We are currently seeking volunteer singers who can join us for this concert, although we are always hearing for future cycles as well.
The dates of rehearsal will be: Friday-Sunday, October 28th – 30th.
The date of the performance is Friday evening, November 4th.
This schedule varies from our typical model due to the requirements of the convention concert being on a Friday.
Auditions are held on an individually scheduled basis. We ask that each singer prepare a section of music which we will provide. There is no sight-reading component, but the preparation of music is to ensure each singer’s ability to learn their notes and rhythms, mostly, before rehearsals begin, since we have so few meetings.
We prefer live auditions, but if you live too far away, you may send us a recording of you singing the excerpt.
Live auditions will be held at:
Clarke Chapel, Lycoming College – 700 College Pl., Williamsport, PA 17701
Please email
Fiona Jackson at for the audition excerpt, and to set up an audition date/time.
Singers interested in joining us for our ACDA performance must audition before Sept. 9, 2016.
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