The Composers’ Choir is a pro choir, usually about 12-16 people, which records music by living composers. We work on a gig by gig basis and pay fluctuates to some extent depending on the gig because some gigs have more hours than others. A typical gig is one 5 hour rehearsal and one 5 hour recording session. All singers are paid the same. In most circumstances we get travel money for big drives or Metro North Tickets for people in NYC.
Sop’s need top be straight tone. We’re not toally a straioght-tone choir, but you can get the idea if you listen to us at our site.
Live auditions are best but sending a recording can sometimes do the trick.
Live auditions can be scheduled by appointment, and I’ll likely be doing them rolling through the next several months. That said, ideally I’d like as many auditions as possible to happen before February 15.
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